Google searches for Bruce Willis filming in Hopedale, MAare tripling this week. It appears the film the Surrogates is filming up a storm in Worcester, MA and Hopedale, MA. The Surrogates movie is a sci-fi thrliller starring Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames and is about a future filled with humans that never leave their homes and robots that are suddenly murdered. Bruce Willis stars as a cop that must leave isolation and investigate the murders.
Filming has already begun in Hopedale, MA at the famed Draper Mill Cotton Plant. Draper Mill is a fantastic location to film at and at one time was the most productive cotton plant in the world. The Surrogate Production Company asked us to provide wooden pallets for this location. They requested that the pallets be used and in fairly bad condition. Perhaps this Bruce Willis movie will have an apocalyptic twist with old factories and mills showing what life used to be like before the Surrogates/robots came.
Today Pallet World of New England delivered 450 pallets to the film set starring Bruce Willis. According to our pallet driver, the old Draper Mill is huge and the property in Hopedale, MA is buzzing with activity. Next to the existing Draper Mill Buildings, a new building is being erected. We are not if it is for the movie set, or for future use of a glass company that has recently bought the Draper Mills property. Needless to say, Hopedale and Worcester residents must be having movie star sightings of Bruce Willis or Ving Rhames as Google searches for these stars has increased over the past week. We are very happy that Surrogate Productions chose Pallet World of New England to supply wooden pallets for their set. We hope that filming is going well, and if they need more used wooden pallets for their futuristic film set, Pallet World will be happy to supply more pallets at a moments notice.
Pallet World is a division of Ruma Fruit & Produce Company.
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