Ruma's Pallet World of New England has been selected to provide movie set decorations and materials for the new Bruce Willis Movie filming in Hopedale, Ma. Pallet World is proud to accept this partnership with Surrogate Productions for the upcoming 2009 release of The Surrogates. The Surrogates movie stars Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames and is about a future filled with humans that never leave their homes and robots that are suddenly murdered. Bruce Willis stars as a cop that must leave isolation and investigate the murders. Filming has already begun in Hopedale, MA at the famed Draper Mill Cotton Plant. Draper Mill is a fantastic location to film at and at one time was the most productive cotton plant in the world. The Surrogate Production Company asked us to provide wooden pallets for this location. They requested that the pallets be used and in fairly bad condition. Perhaps this Bruce Willis movie will have an apocalyptic twist with old factories and mills showing what life used to be like before the Surrogates/robots came.
This is not the first time that Hollywood has coming knocking at our door. Just 3 months ago, another Ruma company, Ruma's Fruit & Gift Basket World, was asked to provide set decorations for an Adam Sandler and Kevin James movie also filming in Massachusetts. The movie, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, is still in full swing at the Burlington Mall in Burlington, MA and we provided them with fantastic fruit and gourmet gift baskets for their upcoming Christmas Movie.
With the amazing new tax breaks, Massachusetts is buzzing with stars and movie production companies all over Massachusetts.
Cool that something is finally being done in that old building. But the Draper mill never made cotton - they always made machinery for other mills, until the 1940's when they re-tooled for howitzers that went to the Pacific. Funny thing is that there is a vehicle depot out bak with a bunch of old-looking Boston Police crusiers - I wonder if those are part of the movie, or if they escorted rigging trucks??
Seriously, there was no cotton ever? I found that info on a Hopedale webpage...that is odd. Why would they say that? It is also where I saw that a glass company supposedly bought it. Well at least I know the movie is being made there. Any sightings of Bruce Willis or Ving Rhames yet? I saw Adam Sandler at the Burlington Mall. That movie asked us for fruit and baskets for their set. We are also a gift basket company. Check our other blog about that movie. Mall Movie
Draper Corporation was at one time the world's largest manufacturers of LOOMS which produce fabrics such as cotton. find out more at http://www.geocities.com/daninhopedale/drapermenu.html
I have lived in Hopedale my whole life. My great Grandfather worked at the Draper building. They built Looms. No. There was never coton involved. It shut down about 30 years ago. Those Boston Police cars are getting beat up, I think for the movie. One of them had the whole front of it smashed in.
The Hopedale web page talks a lot about how you shouldn't call the building a mill. Mills wove cloth, Draper Plant manufactured loom parts, and later entire looms and shipped them worldwide. The Draper building was looked at by a glass company, but not purchased.
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